The Health Benefits of Hardwood Flooring


The Health Benefits of Hardwood Flooring

Hardwood flooring is a healthy choice for you and the environment.  Just as we are committed to sustainable practices that promote healthy forests and long-term enjoyment of the beautiful Appalachian mountains, we are also committed to crafting premium flooring held to the highest standards for the health of your home.  We want you to be able to live a long and healthy life on the beautiful, natural foundation of real hardwood.

Hardwood flooring is a natural material with a variety of health benefits.  Unlike carpet, hardwood flooring does not trap dust, pet dander, and other allergens which can cause discomfort in your home.  Our aluminum oxide finishes make our floors moisture resistant so that any spills or messes can be easily cleaned.  Unlike some uncertified flooring alternatives, our hardwood flooring does not contain any toxic chemicals that might be harmful to children or small pets

Both our solid and engineered products are FloorScore certified, which is the most recognized indoor air quality certification standard for hard surface flooring materials.  Our products are also California Air Resource Board (CARB) compliant, which guarantees that we are an ultra-low-emitting formaldehyde resin (ULEF) manufacturer of composite wood products.  Formaldehyde is a naturally occurring byproduct of heating wood at very high temperatures, and the CARB standard ensures that the flooring is well within the safe range of formaldehyde emissions. 

We trust Mullican Flooring with our homes and families, and we work and live on the beautiful foundation of Mullican’s hardwood floors.  Breathe easy knowing that we hold ourselves to the highest standards so that your family will stay safe and healthy while enjoying a beautiful, natural product that will last a lifetime.

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